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Spells Summer Writing Camp—Week 1

Tuesday, July 5–Friday, July 8
9 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.
at Spells Writing Lab, 1425 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia
For ages 7–12

Ahoy, mateys! Be ye a landlubber that dreams of sailing under the Jolly Roger? Join the sea dogs of Spells as we plunder pieces of eight, write sea shanties, and get a crash course in pirates—from bilge rats to hornswagglers to scurvy. Then share yer swashbuckling tales with pictures and words as ye create stories about yer seafaring adventures. But avast, me hearties! Act smartly, lest ye be forced to walk the plank.

Registration is free, but requires a refundable deposit of $25 plus processing charges. The registration will not be valid until the deposit has been received by Spells Writing Lab.
